After registration of birth, the parent may apply at any of the births registries to alter or add to the name of a child if desired. 父母为子女办理出生登记后,如欲为其更改或加入名字,可向任何一间出生登记处提出申请。
Registration of births and deaths became compulsory in1871. 出生登记和死亡登记于1871年成为一种义务。
For health agencies like WHO, civil registration systems are the most reliable source of statistics on births and deaths, and causes of death. 对于像世卫组织这样的卫生机构,民事登记系统是最为可靠的出生、死亡和死因统计数据来源。
Accountability means counting, and this depends on a system for the registration of births, deaths, and causes of death in all countries. 问责意味着要计数,而这取决于各国有无登记出生、死亡和死亡原因的系统。
Civil registration is the way by which countries keep a continuous and complete record of births, deaths and the marital status of their people. 民事登记是国家对其国民的出生、死亡和婚姻状况保持连续和完整记录的方式。
To consolidate and amend the law relating to the registration of births and deaths. 本例旨在合及修出生及死亡案的登有的法律。
They give high priority to the establishment of badly needed information systems for the registration of births, deaths, and cause of deaths. 根据这些建议,应高度重视建立急需的出生、死亡和死亡原因登记信息系统。
This initiative helped improve registration of births and deaths at the subdistrict level. 这一举措帮助改善了街道一级的出生和死亡登记。